
#micah6.8 part 4: the work we do

#micah6.8 part 4: the work we do

Hi friends, I find it ironic that I am writing about the work we do in a time when work as we know it has been completely upended. But even more so, it forces us to ask the questions of what we deem as success, […]

My PhD Story (as featured on The Savvy Scientist)

My PhD Story (as featured on The Savvy Scientist)

I met Jeff on a FB live we did together for Science Careers on the real life of a scientist. His piece had been about reading fiction; mine was about coffee breaks. About a month later, I find out that he’s doing a passion project […]

what i’m into [feb – mar 2020]

what i’m into [feb – mar 2020]

I know everyone’s been on social media sharing what they’ve been up to in these times of social isolation, but my instinct has been instead to run the opposite direction so I don’t feel like my whole life is being taken over by Zoom. So, […]

my singleness manifesto

my singleness manifesto

It’s been a slow season of writing for me. My past few months have not been my normal (have they been anyone’s really?), and I’m still getting back into a rhythm. But, this past weekend, during a call with one of my girlfriends, we started […]

what I’m into [dec 2019 – jan 2020]

what I’m into [dec 2019 – jan 2020]

A bit late, I know, considering we’re already a week into February. But a lot of Jan was filled with life changes, including moving back to Montreal – and so now that I’m firmly in routine (oh how I love routines!), this is my first […]

vignettes from la vie en france

vignettes from la vie en france

This piece is more a light-hearted reflection on the four months I recently spent in Strasbourg, France. I was there for a research collaboration, but received a cross-cultural education at the same time. Here is a collection of vignettes (including funny and embarrassing things that […]

a rotation

a rotation

Time is an elusive concept. It’s passing constantly, yet it’s so hard to feel. It’s like lying in the grass, trying to feel the Earth rotate. When changes are both small and constant, we can’t grasp them. But watching a sunset, for example, we can […]

what I’m into [oct – nov ’19]

what I’m into [oct – nov ’19]

Wow, 2019 is almost coming to an end, and so is my time here in Strasbourg. The Christmas markets just started this past weekend and I’m already getting into the Christmas spirit! By the way, for those of you who haven’t seen my FB post, […]

if you bake brownies [on STEM, women and the daily grind of lab work]

if you bake brownies [on STEM, women and the daily grind of lab work]

I was over at the Pike’s last Saturday night, the missionary family from Florida that moved here a couple months ago. The husband and teenage son were out for soccer and it was just the wife and daughter who would be home, so of course […]

why labs should take more coffee breaks

why labs should take more coffee breaks

I woke up one morning in the aftermath of one of those four-hour group lab dinners and knew I had to write this post. So, I rode my bike out in the drizzling rain to the only cafe open at 5:30a.m., set up camp with […]