
just some old poetry

just some old poetry

It’s a slow Sunday afternoon. I’m camped out at a cafe here in Strasbourg’s Old Town, trying to do some writing, but nothing’s really coming. Usually my Sundays are filled with packing up after worship, Explaining Faith, going to the mosque, and preparing my heart […]

what my 23y self said to my 16y self at the checkout counter

what my 23y self said to my 16y self at the checkout counter

So, I chanced upon this piece when I was doing some thinking/research about the topic of beauty for my next post.  It was written 3 years ago as a letter to my self 10 years ago. So in a way, it is a flashback to […]

#micah6.8 part 2: the food we eat

#micah6.8 part 2: the food we eat

To read Part 1 of the Micah 6.8 series: Never productive enough. “Our kitchens and other eating places more and more resemble filling stations, as our homes more and more resemble motels. ‘Life is not very interesting,’ we seem to have decided. ‘Let its satisfactions […]

what I’m into [may – july 2019]

what I’m into [may – july 2019]

Summer is such a time of transition and with back-to-back weeks of people visiting followed by me immediately jetting off to Atlanta for the Emerging Apologists Program and now Toronto for a research conference, I’ve been feeling the lack of routine. But, routine or not, […]

#micah 6.8 part 1: never productive enough

#micah 6.8 part 1: never productive enough

I haven’t done a series in a while, in fact since I did the farming series back when I launched the blog.  But, last weekend, I was in New York City for a friends’ wedding and had some good conversation with college friends about the […]

on being chinese

on being chinese

after writing the post on my grandfather, I realized how much I enjoy writing about my cultural past and started to sift through some of my writing published on the blog I ran during my time in China. I found a few gems that I […]

what I know about the road sweeper

what I know about the road sweeper

Fong Hing was his name. The road sweeper, that is. His olive sun-burned face was always gently kind, creased in with wrinkles too old for his actual age, although no one really knew what that was. What we did know for sure was that when […]

what I’m into [march/april 2019]

what I’m into [march/april 2019]

So it’s the last day of April 2019 and I’m determined to give you guys the run-down of my past two months before crashing into bed. It’s been a pretty crazy last couple of weeks, with visiting my sister in SF, seeing Erin/Nahrie in Chicago […]

מקווה tikvah: from qavah; literally, a cord; hope

מקווה tikvah: from qavah; literally, a cord; hope

This baby sweater was knitted as a stress response. It was 10:30a.m. on a Monday morning and I was home, instead of at lab. My project left at the desk of an overworked organic chemist, while I sat in my grey rolling chair, unable to […]

the asymptote of certainty and how we keep moving forward

the asymptote of certainty and how we keep moving forward

Meredith Grey (Voice over) No one believes that their life will turn out just kind of okay. We all think we are going to be great.  And from the day we decide to be surgeons, we are filled with expectation. Expectations of the trails we […]