Month: November 2017

living poor for a week

living poor for a week

It’s day 6 of living without money – a unique predicament I found myself in after the unfortunate incident last Sunday. Two days ago, I tried to replace my metro card but when the lady behind the guichet tersely asked for the fifteen dollars card […]

letting God find me

letting God find me

It’s 3:05p.m. and I’m sitting on the second level of a Megabus on its way to Montreal. Technically, I was supposed to be aboard this bus yesterday, but an hour before my bus was supposed to leave, my bag got stolen and everything in it. […]

living minimally and never lacking

living minimally and never lacking

How do we move towards a more whole way of doing life? This is one of the questions raised by Prof Ellen Langer, a psychology professor at Harvard University who wrote about meditation and mindfulness as “the simple act of actively noticing things” long before […]