Month: October 2017

what I’m into [october 2017]

what I’m into [october 2017]

I’ve been so blessed by Sarah Bessey. I fell in love with her writing but then she introduced me to a whole other world of faith-filled writers creating beauty in their respective spaces through her “what I’m into” posts. Today, I’m returning the favor and starting […]

why daydreaming is good for the soul

why daydreaming is good for the soul

each of us needs to withdraw from the cares which will not withdraw from us. we need hours of aimless wandering or spates of time sitting on park benches, observing the mysterious world of ants and the canopy of treetop Maya Angelou I read this […]

even still, I believe

even still, I believe

So, I haven’t been in this space for a while. Honestly, it’s been hard to sit down and really write. It’s comparable to leaving the light and descending into that basement studio where a slab of marble awaits its sculptor. Not that I’ve ever sculpted […]

my snack-size bite of the gospel in the packaging of the gender debate

my snack-size bite of the gospel in the packaging of the gender debate

I don’t like being political. When my sister and dad get into their debates that somehow always circle back to the subject of “yay-or-nay Trump”, I prefer to remain silent. “Don’t you have an opinion?” my sis once asked me, frustrated when I hadn’t backed […]

why children are raised in villages (not cities)

why children are raised in villages (not cities)

What surprised me most about the village was how people sat by the streets and watched. It seemed like they had nothing better to do. Men with white singlets, limp cigarettes hanging out the sides of their mouths. Grandmothers with plump babies bobbing up and […]