Month: August 2017

when writing gets challenging

when writing gets challenging

I’ve done everything I can to distract myself from sitting down and writing. And it’s come down to this: I’m standing in front of the kitchen counter waiting for a pot of water to boil so I can dump my kale in. My laptop is […]

embracing the seasons of life: singleness and its deep wells

embracing the seasons of life: singleness and its deep wells

The black shavings of my hair litter the faded parquet floor, a half-circle around my leather swivel chair. The basement air is heavy with greasy Chinese cooking. Mr. Lee stands back, admiring his work, before unfastening the protective sheet over my clothes. Then, brushing the […]

farming lesson #5: a day at the calf nursery

farming lesson #5: a day at the calf nursery

My series on agriculture is coming to an end. I started off writing about the fruits of the Spirit, on letting our fields lie fallow, then on what seeds taught me about seeing prophetically and finally, on how the metaphor of grafting should shape a […]

farming lesson #4: grafted in [our Jewish heritage]

farming lesson #4: grafted in [our Jewish heritage]

The characters were barely indistinguishable to my untrained eye; the black squiggles on the page more resembled shepherd’s staffs, doorposts and upside-down L’s squished together. Then, my professor put sound to them – and magic happened. Prof Meshel spoke extremely fast, his hands gesturing wildly […]